What we’re noticing:

  • We got a bit of rain on Friday which is welcome but still well below a weekly average for this time of year which doesn’t help our drought situation
  • An indicator of two things: 1) That this is the time to fertilize for winter and 2) that we’re in a drought… The root zones under trees are drying out fast. The trees have begun sucking in nutrients to store for the winter. That’s nutrients that the lawns want to use. With those nutrients goes the water. This is opposite of the rest of the summer where the shaded lawn under the trees did best.

What we’re doing:

  1. We’re trying to wrap up our aeration and overseeding jobs. Catching any later sign-ups and ones we had to skip due to unmarked sprinkler heads.
  2. We’ll also be getting started with out final rounds of landscape bed grass and weed control as well as mosquito and pest control.
  3. We doing our ever-important fall application; fast acting liquid fertilizer and aggressive broadleaf weed control to go into next season with a blank slate… a very green blank slate :)

What you can be doing:

  1. Nothing really is urgently needed right now
    • Keep watering your seed if you or we have seeded
    • Water any areas that are drying out as needed (now keeping an eye out for the root zone under trees)
    • Keep sprinkler systems on normal cycles
    • Mow as high as your personal preference will allow (higher is healthier but a more manicured cut won’t hurt now – as low as possible without scalping will be the goal before the snow flies)
    • Consider shooting ProLawns a google review for how good the lawn is looking right now. Add a picture of the lawn to make the review pop ;)