What we’re noticing:

  • It’s sticky! The temperature forecast is for the “hottest week yet this year” and the rains that have either not been forecast at all or have been low chances are very consistently supplying ample moisture – we continue to climb well above average.  Source. Source
  • If you were worried about the broken record running out of juice… DISEASE. Because of the wet conditions and now really with the heat. Disease is more are more prevalent. Specifically:
    • Ascochyta which can look very alarming. It is very fleeting though and will go away with appropriate cultural practices within a week or two. Ensure you’re watering correctly (which so far this year means not watering at all!)
  • Rust which shows itself as orange dust on your shoes and lawn mower. It is annoying but non-damaging and will also go away with cultural conditions and practices

What we’re doing:

  • In addition to finishing up our mid/late summer lawn application we’re:
  • Applying a round of Prosquito, mosquito and pest control, barriers around our client’s homes
  • Ordering and planning for our late summer renovation season (core aeration, overseeding, and soil enrichment)

What you can be doing:

  • As long as the rain continues; don’t water to try to better avoid the diseases that are so common this year.
  • Mow high due to the heat. No such thing as too high. Mowing high will promote the Rust disease but your turf will be healthier in the heat at a higher cut.
  • Consider late summer renovation. “MY LAWN LOOKS GREAT! Why would I seed it this year?!?”
    • Rain causes compact soil. Every lawn this year is compact with all the extra rain we’ve had. It might loosen up with winter frost but aeration will certainly do the job with many other benefits.
    • Seed now when it’s easy. With the regular rain we’re having new seed will basically establish on it’s own. Don’t wait until the lawn is struggling and you have to water 3 times a day like the last three years. Establish the healthy lawn now!