What we’re noticing:
- We got some rain! Significant rain for some of our service area (1″+) and pretty insignificant in other parts of our small service area (<.125″). Overall, it was not enough to ease any concerns over hot and dry conditions
- What, a week ago, looked like a weather oasis for us in comparison to the hot dry weather we’ve had has gotten a bit hotter this Wednesday/Thursday but with that uncertainty comes some more chances for rain.
What we’re doing:
- All the same stuff we were doing last week.
- We’ll be wrapping up this round of applications by the end of next week. Meaning all of our pre-emptive efforts for the lawn care season will be down and in effect; two rounds of crabgrass preventer, grub preventers, undesirable grass control, premium slow release granular fertilizer (for premium program clients), and two rounds of broadleaf weed control. The next two rounds are “for effect” this year (beautifully green and weed free) and setting the stage for next year.
What you can be doing;
- Continue mowing high. The grass growth will accelerate with the rain we’ve got but it may be fleeting. We’re no-where near a moisture “abundance” situation for our lawns. See the “Mowing” section in the “Your Lawns Survival Guide” on this page for mowing specifics.
- Use our watering guide to determine if, how much and when you should be watering in our current weather conditions.