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Why ProLawns Instead Of Another Lawn Care Provider?

Watch Matt explain the ProLawns difference
Despite record breaking weather challenges in 2021, ProLawns still grew strongly!

Black and white markers are our 2020 clients, the colored markers are the 260 new clients we gained in 2021.
Fox9 Article: “Twin Cities experiencing one of driest summer stretches in decades“
2021 was a rough weather year for all lawn care companies with the record setting high temperatures (hottest summer ever recorded) and extreme drought conditions early in the summer (driest summer ever recorded until the end of August)… All lawns suffered.
We’re very proud that the condition of our lawns and our service efforts still resulted in us gaining 260 new clients throughout 2021. These new clients saw the results that we were still achieving for our clients and decided to also trusted ProLawns to help their lawns recover.
Client Education – We plan to make education courses available for our clients to:
- Learn and earn for account credit at ProLawns. If you learn how you can contribute to your lawn looking its best, ProLawns wins too! This is a big push of ours.
Make our client’s lawns look even better
Spread our decades of gained knowledge about lawn care as far as we can
Our personal continuing education – we very much accelerated our efforts here and it was incredibly influential for us in 2021. We truly believe that we are leaders in our industry. We gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and will be further accelerating our efforts in 2022 on:
Lawn care best practices – our specialists are taking nationally recognized and accredited courses on lawn care over the 21-22 winter season.
Client service; communication and outreach – we’re learning best practices on how to give our clients the information they need and want without burdening them with what they don’t. We’re asking our clients what they’d like out of us, and with our industry peers, figuring out exactly how we’ll deliver.
Internal operational efficiency – we’re continually learning how to operate more efficiently and lean. Our problems aren’t our client’s problems. We’re learning how to overcome small issues better as well as navigate through large issues. An example is:
- Applying multiple products via multiple methods in one visit instead of multiple visits. We’re investing in the education, training and equipment to multiply our results for our clients without multiplying visits. This will save our clients money in relation to the rising costs of lawn care products. We’ll be on and servicing our client’s properties for the same amount of time throughout the summer while reducing our specialist’s “windshield time” in getting to the property. With these internal efficiencies, we’ll actually be applying even better products and achieving better results, without a matching increase in our service cost due to the exponentially increasing product costs.