What we’re seeing:

  • Grass is relatively uneventful.
  • We finally had some hot weather and the shady grasses, specifically fine fescue, have declined with the heat (especially since they’re accustom to such mild temperatures).
    • Of note that this is the grass that thrived in the last ~4 years of drought conditions since it was shaded and naturally doesn’t need much water. Now it’s drowning.
  • There’s also plenty of Rust disease as mentioned last week.
  • I’ll be curious to see how this rain trend plays out – it’s been very consistent – that could be rough for winter – especially after almost no snow last winter.

What we’re doing:

  1. We’re plugging away on our mid and late summer fertilizer and weed control applications. Business as usual.
  2. We’re hitting our 3rd round of Mosquito treatments – This as been those bugger’s year! 

What you can be doing:

  • Continue to not water – there’s more than enough natural moisture for our lawns.
  • Mow at 3″-3.5″
  • Consider trimming low bushes to increase airflow low around turf. This will help the lawn dry out better and reduce disease pressure