Our best clients are the companies that we sub-contract for

The contractor (company hiring us – you) can effortlessly boost your revenue, grow your business, and make your clients happier —eliminating any operational headaches.
On our side, we aim to acquire several properties in the same area, streamlining the process for both parties with a dedicated point of contact for billing, communication, and scheduling, ensuring a seamless and mutually beneficial partnership.

Get a quick quote: at anytime on our website for your clients properties

  • or reach out directly to Mallory@ProLawnsMN.com and send us a list to personally measure and quote each one out – we should be able to get the list back to you within a day

Decide how much you want to make: Add on whatever percentage or amount that you like (typically 10-20%)

  • Don’t feel uneasy about doing this! You are adding convenience in billing, scheduling, communication, etc. for your clients. You deserve to get paid for this!

Let your clients know you now offer this service: Put fertilizing as an optional line item on your new client estimates and existing client renewals

  • If they want it, they already know the price and we can get going, otherwise you’re not out anything besides the 45 seconds it took you to price your clients on our website

Sit back and enjoy!

  • We have an incredible email communication process (Initial game plan and FAQ, 3 days before for scheduling, the day before as a reminder, and as soon as we’re finished as an FAQ).
    • The emails give you credit for the work – not us. See examples below
    • The emails can go to both you and the client
    • or just to you to modify and send the client your own thing
  • We’ll do the work (without ever showing up at your mowing time) and then shoot you an invoice for each job done so you can promptly invoice your client
  • We can leave generic info sheets and lawn signs or even get custom stuff made with your company brand
  • Pay us on generous payment terms to allow you to collect your money before paying us

You then take care of beautiful turf, work with happier clients and collect money just by sending a few emails

  • Refer us to your clients: Just send them to our website
    • Pros: Simpler/easier
    • Cons: • No direct financial gain, limited control over lawn care decisions as we will be doing what the client wishes, potential client-sharing issues, and exposure to competition; We work with many mowing companies and advertise their services to our client base (like we’ll do with you) – if you just refer your clients to us, they’ll be exposed to your competition.
  • Try us: You don’t have to jump in with both feet; Pick one of your clients, pick two… if you do neighbors, contract ProLawns to do one of their lawns and compare the results and service to the other
    • Pros: No full commitment, really know what you’re getting
    • Cons: You and your neighbors might get upset that special clients get the great ProLawns service and others are stuck with something less
  • Keep us in your toolkit: We can be your backup plan. Maybe you do fertilizing in house, maybe you’re already working with another company.
    • Pros: Have a backup plan for weather, labor, equipment woes or if your other sub doesn’t operate with ProLawns Professionalism
    • Cons: The less ProLawns knows about how we’ll be utilized, the less effective our response will be. We can’t prepare for what we don’t know is coming. Touch base with us before you need us.

Fertilize Success, Weed Out Challenges: Sub ProLawns!

ProLawns Service Area

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