Undesirable Grass Control

Creeping bentgrass, quackgrass, barnyardgrass, poa annua, crabgrass, foxtail, etc. are all undesirable grasses that can take over your lawn

Up until 2021, there’s been nothing we can we can do about these grasses because their genetics are so close to good/desirable grasses but now we can help!

For most clients, this will be a barely noticeable maintenance application – similar to our current broadleaf weed control where an ugly weed here and there turns brown. But also similar to our broadleaf control, if your lawn is infested with weeds (grassy or broadleaf) there could be dramatic results: your lawn might look worse before it gets better.

Similar to buying a house or planting a tree; the best time to do this treatment was 30 years ago. The second best time to do this treatment is right now. These grasses will spread continually and be worse next year than they are this. We highly recommend “ripping off the band-aid” to start the healing process. Don’t let it fester and spread. Don&#